Saturday, July 19, 2008

48 Billions Dollars in aid to Africa? give me a break!

In what is described as the most ambitious foriegn public health spending program ever launched by the U.S., Congress voted 80-16 to approve a resolution allowing the U.S. government to triple its current spending on aid to Africa over the next 5 years to a staggering 48 billion of taxpayers money to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. I am not against helping other poor nations, but trippling what we're already spending at a time when the average American is struggling to pay for gas and milk is just outrageous. The money U.S. government is planning on spending on AIDS patients in Africa is enough to hand every single cancer patient in the U.S. a hundred thousands dollars in cash, which I am sure can help these needy patients to spend on their cancer treatment and other essential needs.

I think it is time for our government to put Americans first and spend our own resources where it can help our ailing economy, the crumbling infrastructure, and alleviate the suffering of millions of Americans. We spent hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign nations thinking it's serving our national interests overseas but instead it is undermining our social peace here at home by squeezing the poor and the middle class out of more money so our politicians can afford their fantasy spending.

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